Pacifecon is up to date, accurate, and has a wide range of data overall vertical construction projects – more than their competitors. Pacifecon also has more detailed information over their competitors, which brings better results when using keywords that the NZ market understands around certain disciplines of trades (i.e. Architect, Construction Company/Builder etc.)
The easy ‘simple search’ function and the more specific ‘advanced search’ function allows various ways that you can pull up the same project, giving better access to information on the vertical construction industry, which in turn has allowed us to quote/tender more and achieve greater market coverage and narrow down on project types.
We can easily see if projects we’re tracking are updated and it is obvious to note exactly what has been updated. The friendly customer-support team always spends the time to assist with any questions/explanations and the advantage with the researchers being based locally allows stronger relationships with the market. It also supports the stakeholders of NZ projects by allowing them to achieve the best team for the job by opening information to the whole market.
Hallmark loves the Pacifecon system which is easy to use and seems to pick up 95% of the projects nationwide.
Hallmark Group Ltd is one of New Zealand's leading manufacturers of quality craftsman-made doors, specialising in timber and related products for the interiors of mid-to-high end commercial and domestic projects nationwide.
As a family-owned business operating since 1992, Hallmark Group has built up a credible reputation manufacturing to an exacting standard whilst providing a high-quality service. Hallmark Groups' core Hallmark range consists of an extensive paint quality selection of doors as well as native and exotic veneers. These are created over a unique Hallmark Group frame construction that provides superior structural performance to keep your door looking superb.
We work to your requirements and we can often match your existing designs or ideas when it comes to doors and door sets. When you choose to work with Hallmark Group, you are choosing from the finest range of timber engineered doors available in New Zealand. Each door has its own individual characteristics; no two are identical. With a Hallmark door, you are adding a touch of timeless natural elegance unique to your home.
Barnes Bruce, Sales and Estimating at Hallmark